domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014


The 31 of October was celebrated ''Halloween''. It's like the party of fear or the dead and all the people disguises like a monster. But this year I only dyed the hair color dark whit a spray. At the first me and some friends went for a walk fot the city. All the people were disguises! Later I went to have a meel out with other friends in telepizza and it was very tasty! When we finished dinner I paint the hair of one friend whit the color pink! That day was very fun!


We all have dreams and we want to do these dreams. In this post I want to talk about my dreams. One of my dreams is travel the world not all but go a lot of places. I love travel! I think is very funny and I love meet other countries. I never left Spain but that I will fix it. Other of my dreams are have many dogs. I love the dogs an the animals! Especially I like the labradors are so cutes and beutifull! And you? Which are your dreams? Try to fight to get and enjoy them!

sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2014

My dog

In September of 2011 a new member has join in my family: Bosco my dog. I was in the sofa whatching tv and suddenly my mum enter home and she has a little puppy in her arm. It was very small and cute very cute! It is a beagle and plays a lot and it loves go out and becomes crazy! At first it had fear but after it plays a lot and bite's. My family and I love's my dog. I think it is crazy!

The walking dead

This summer my sister and I starting watched ''The walking dead''. Is a American serie and I love. This serie is based in a comic but have little changes. In this are ''walkers'' (zombies) and they eats people or bite they're and pass a virus an makes the peoples die's. But if a person die also tranform in a walker. This have 5 seasons and have more in the future. I think is the best serie and is very interesting. But die the most of the characters.